Friday, June 27, 2014


The library
With walls of 
tall shelves

Stacked with books
to look and to tell
Too much for any 

Person to comprehend
or read
Too many subjects

Authors like trees
in a forest
as we step in

Between the aisles
of worship
Only to see

Title upon title
Tripping along
Into the depths

Of knowledge
pondering and 
wandering alone

Wondering how much does 
someone need to know? In
order to think intellectually

To talk above the fellow man
Or to walk along the aisles 
to understand all there is 

To know 
To read
To comprehend

One becomes overwhelmed 
from the tall bookshelves
Perceived as unread

Wrapping his head around 
the complexity 
coming to the conclusion

experience is knowledge and 
to know is to experience 
without the appearance

of doing the choosing
Like one reads with breadth
As the other succeeds through

Sweat as the two 
become one of the same
Awareness where they became

Both assured there is more 
to learn, always more to read
more to do, more than ever

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